
Download 10 Best Intranets Of 2011 Pdf

This year’s Nielsen Norman Group Intranet Design Annual contest and showcases winners and offers an abundance of sound advice and scores of creative design examples that advance their users’ digital workplace. The intranet support ratio equation explains 89% of the variability in intranet support ratios. This effect is visible in the chart, which plots the numbers on a double logarithmic scale.These numbers are likely so small because the teams enlisted agency support.

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Regardless, we do not recommend having only 7–10 people on intranet teams. In fact, teams should have many more people; this year’s winners, for example, had 20 team members on average.

Download 10 Best Intranets Of 2011 Pdf

2017 Intranet Design Annual Pdf Download

Teams may need many more (or, in rare cases, fewer) people, depending on the circumstances. These numbers are simply a suggested minimum team size. About the Authorsis Senior Vice President at Nielsen Norman Group.

Pernice uniquely combines her 20-plus years of business, research, and design knowledge and experience to help organizations increase their UX maturity and derive interfaces which are usable, useful, and surpass business goals.  Fate traitor soul weapons list. Pernice is accomplished at evaluating and managing design situations, and crafting with a team the most fitting design and research methods, and converting this analysis into outstanding design. Pernice has led teams running hundreds of intercontinental research studies, and is expert in many usability methods.Patty Caya is a writer and researcher with Nielsen Norman Group, where she has co-authored the Intranet Design Annuals since 2008 and authored several other intranet-related research reports. She is an experienced content strategist and interaction designer and has consulted for many of Boston’s top digital agencies, leading Web and intranet development projects as well as usability testing, research, and design initiatives. Her client work spans a wide range of industries, from media and entertainment to non-profits and NGOs. To start commenting,.NN/g Comments allow members to share their experiences and perspectives about user experience.

KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the KMWorld 2011 Reality & Promise Awards which are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management.The global Intranet Innovation Awards, run by Step Two Designs, uncover and share leading edge intranets. Focusing on individual enhancements that demonstrate business value, the Intranet Innovation Awards help every team deliver a better site. Winning organizations are featured on Tuesday in session C104 Intranet Showcase, and share their ideas, insights, and intranet designs. A defining feature of our 2.0 World is the reliance on employees to create, share, rate, and consume content. Every employee can be an author, arbiter, and consumer at once. The implications for the networked enterprise are profound: The more people create and interact with each other’s content, the more the content improves; search results get better as the best content and the most active peers bubble to the top; people build new connections to others they never knew had the same interests. Through engaging examples, stories and data, O’Dell shares the latest findings from APQC’s KM research and her new book, including the following: How best practice organizations are using 2.0 to enhance search results; the surprising impact of participation on personal and team performance; and novel ways to get people to participate to enhance search and findability.

A wiki is fundamentally an ungoverned space: “Anyone can write anything” is a common refrain. Every month at Target Corporation, more than 800 different people contribute content, and more than 7,500 individuals have contributed over the last 4 years. In that apparent free-for-all, a deep order and consistency have emerged, as well as substantial business value. David Schwartz shares the strategies Target has used to govern the space and how the company has succeeded (and failed) as the wiki grew from an idea to a tool used by 30,000-plus team members every month. He digs into the evolving ethos of the environment, and argues strenuously for the vital role of decentralized knowledge management in which every single consumer of content is simultaneously a contributor and editor of content: developing knowledge management as corporate culture.

Organizations aim to differentiate themselves by delivering great customer service. To do so, they need to know their customer in order to offer a contextual, personalized experience.

Best Free Intranet

New tools and techniques to listen to and analyze the aggregate “voice of the customer” are transforming activities like new product development, crisis management, and brand strategy. In this session, Leslie Owens explores how knowledge managers can use similar technology and processes inside the enterprise to listen to the “voice of the employee.” IT leaders who know their employees are able to segment their workforce to make smarter decisions about technology provisioning and to identify and amplify employee advocates. The role of knowledge managers of the future will be to coordinate and harness the ideas and insights of their workforce just as their counterparts are doing in customer service. Social computing is taking hold in most organizations. This session explores best practices and approaches at the intersection of social computing and SharePoint and looks at how organizations have standardized on SharePoint to bring social to their users.

It revolves around use cases, best practices, ROI, roll-out strategies, and pitfalls to avoid. Join this panel of experts for a lively discussion and learn how to plan for the use of social computing in your enterprise, the steps involved in executing social computing through pilot to deployment, how to encourage employee adoption throughout the organization, and tips to achieve results. The measurement of knowledge management’s impact on an organization’s performance has been, and continues to be, of great interest to both practitioners as well as executives.

For practitioners, the ability to measure KM value is both an operational tool as well as an improvement framework. For executives, the ability to measure KM may simply mean the difference between engaging the organization in the effort, or choosing to use resources for other initiatives perceived to be of greater value. Jim Lee describes recent advances in the measurement of KM, including KM maturity, KM relationships to operational performance, and KM measurement as a driver of organizational strategy. Beginning with a KM maturity model and assessment tool as a qualitative measurement device, he illustrates with case studies how quantitative methods have been applied to KM to identify its effect on an organization’s business performance and influence its improvement strategies. JHU/APL’s knowledge-sharing and innovation program is a multifaceted program focusing on culture, policy, and tools.

The program is at the cutting edge of measuring social media organizational impact by defining and implementing metrics where no precedence exists. In addition to sharing its techniques for measuring and metrics, Ann Kedia discusses the implementation of social software tools, culture change initiatives, and the trade-offs between a more controlled policy approach versus guidelines for engagement, as well as lessons learned from the challenges and successes. Measurement is not just about looking for a bottom-line result to justify investment. It’s also a tool to provide feedback about where the organization is along the road to successfully leveraging investments in knowledge management. At every stage in the journey, metrics provide a valuable means for focusing attention on desired behaviors and results. This session showcases a realistic framework for knowledge management metrics based on real-world examples and successes, provides suggestions for measurement approaches at all stages of your KM initiative, and shares practical approaches to apply to your own KM initiatives, including examples that you can take home and use. Knowing what the collective “we” knows is at the core of a successful KM program, but what about knowing what we don’t know?

One of the biggest challenges for KM professionals working to understand the health of their organizations’ knowledge ecosystems is to harness the insights at the intersection of data and KM to uncover what is and isn’t working. The first two speakers discuss how Deloitte borrowed the latest analytics techniques from its practitioners to convert everyday metrics into actionable improvements for their internal practice. Built upon a communities of practice (CoP) evaluation framework, Patricia Michalski takes a balanced scorecard approach to CoP metrics. She shares results of this tool that was used to evaluate communities within Deloitte. Information and knowledge management and consolidation is an increasingly significant initiative across many public and private sector organizations today. As structured and unstructured content rapidly increases, so does the strain on how quickly and efficiently it can be captured, managed, found and re-used.

Understanding when and how to consolidate and eventually migrate content to an authoritative information system can be tricky, as these processes can be time- and resource-intensive. Hear from practitioners, analysts, and experts who share real-world examples, strategies, and practices. This session highlights a series of organizations which have successfully achieved the benefits of information and content management. Information architects discuss the World Bank’s use of enterprise information architecture to integrate structured and unstructured information residing in disparate sources.

They provide examples of the Bank’s implementation of automatic metadata capture using semantic technologies. Nicholas Nylund describes a large U.S. Federal agency that experienced challenges with providing consistent and accurate information to its constituency and how the KM team laid the foundation for an ever-evolving information management strategy. The Knowledge Now collaborative environment was implemented to support the NASA Safety Center.

Hear how they worked with partners and technology to support 18,000 users across 600 work groups, providing interactive collaboration around activities including distribution of best practices in the form of safety plans, quality plans, risk plans, etc.; lessons learned; system failure case studies; process flows (audits, etc.); and training. For years we've done the best we can with organizing and trying to manage the knowledge of our companies. We've used content structures and library sciences to catalog and store these assets where our people can find them. But now we're coming to the realization that if we go back to the source, the creators, the people, we have a much better way of connecting people with the ideas and answers necessary to increase our business. Hind Benbya discusses the potential of collaborative platforms (i.e, knowledge and innovation platforms) for facilitating peer-to-peer assistance and helping bring to the surface hidden ideas, solutions and expertise your company needs to address business issues. Benbya describes a three-phase approach to designing and implementing an effective collaborative platform including the challenges and solutions adopted by more than 50 organizations. The cost savings businesses can realize by putting certain workloads in multitenant infrastructures, the cloud, has captured the imagination of IT pros in companies large and small.

For content and collaboration professionals, vendor software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings present suites that natively integrate productivity, collaboration, and business applications at a fraction of the cost to do so on-premise. This opens the door for rapidly building information workplaces, commonly used applications integrated in a contextual interface, to boost employee efficiency and productivity. Learn from vendorneutral analysts what the current collaboration SaaS vendor landscape is offering, how these offerings can accelerate the creation of information workplaces, and how to develop strategies to take advantage of the potential of the collaboration SaaS products. Marcel Jemio discusses Financial Management Service’s rethinking of metadata for its ability to generate the right kind of knowledge at the right level for the right decision maker. He shares the FMS approach to managing the evolving business requirements with timely, meaningful data and business intelligence as well as lessons learned. Since KM rests on content, the ability to find content via navigation, and the ability to find content via search, Ed Dale and Paul Larsen talk about the tools needed to optimize the entire system, share their organization’s content strategy and SEO methods to improve the overall findability of content, and describe the methods Ernst & Young use to measure navigation and search.