
How To Install Kolab On Centos Iso

CentOS website explains this project as “ The CentOS Project is a community-driven free software effort focused on delivering a robust open source ecosystem. For users, we offer a consistent manageable platform that suits a wide variety of deployments. For open source communities, we offer a solid, predictable base to build upon, along with extensive resources to build, test, release, and maintain their code”. CentOS is officially under Red Hat which sponsors the CentOS project.


CentOS is mainly used in web servers and cloud servers. ​How To Install CentOS? There are 3 types of iso files –. Minimal.

Everything. DVDMinimal includes a few basic packages and no desktop environment. DVD includes major packages updates and desktop environment.

How To Install Kolab On Centos Iso

Everything includes all of the packages and it has the biggest size in all. Live images are also available for Gnome and KDE desktop environment.In this installation, we will use the DVD file which is around 4gb and you can burn it on USB with the help of Etcher or any other tool. I am using VMware in this installation. CentOS Installation. Then you will have to specify installation which can be local media such as DVD or USB and can be network installation. Here we are using USB.


How To Install Kolab On Centos Iso Windows 7

After that, we have to select a software selection to decide what we want to install. We can install a basic server with no GUI and also can select with Gnome 3 or KDE installations.Many other options such as Virtualization Host, File and Printer Server, and Server with GUI can be selected if you want specific installation.​Here we are using Gnome Desktop as many people don’t know Command Line Interface and are comfortable with GUI. The installation process in CentOS 7 is much easier than CentOS 6 which takes nearly 40 minutes to be installed whereas this takes only 15 to 20 minutes. Also, there is a significant change in experience from Gnome 2 to Gnome 3. CentOS 7 is more advanced than its previous version and it has great driver support and an updated kernel. CentOS 7 is one of the best choices in the server world as it is free and has great community support. You can learn and master this distro as it is easy because of great support by Red Hat.

How To Install Kolab On Centos Iso Download

CentOS is one of fewer distros which is a popular choice for hosting a website.